Our service locations | Opening hours | Tel. | Contact |
2500 Esztergom, Dobogókői út 31/A | Wed. 8.00 - 12.00 |
0630 221 06 70 | Békefi Judit |
2800 Tatabánya Táncsics M. út 2/B | Wed. 8.00 - 12.00 |
0630 821 16 54 | Németh Beáta |
8248 Nemesvámos, Kisteleki út 4. | Wed. 8.00 - 12.00 |
0630 226 84 34 | Hanczvikli Gyuláné |
4900 Fehérgyarmat, Szatmári út 11. | Wed. 8.00 - 12.00 |
0630 384 57 03 |
Our individual counselling services
1. Occupational rehabilitation counselling
The aim is to promote rehabilitation and integration into the labour market based on existing skills that can be developed, and to help people into work; and to identify suitable jobs, work tasks and training that can be undertaken.
2. Providing advice and labour market information
The aim is to help people choose a career, change careers, find out about individual labour market opportunities, increase their chances of finding a job or other information about employment.
3. Job search advice
The aim is to help people with disabilities who want to find a job in the open labour market but do not have the skills and experience needed to find a job.
4. Career guidance for rehabilitation
Its aim is to help people facing a career change to develop a career that matches their individual competences and career aspirations, and to help them choose the training and learning opportunities they need to change their career.
5. Psychological counselling
Its aim is to help to identify the personal circumstances, arising from life management and personality problems, which hinder or make it difficult to find a job, to help to understand, process and solve personal problems which hinder employment, to develop a real self-assessment, to develop a real self-esteem and to focus the individual's existing resources in order to move on in the labour market.
6. Provision of mentoring services
The service is provided to achieve the goals set in partnership with people with a disability. In order to achieve the goals, the mentor helps people to find and keep a job, monitors the work experience in the open labour market, and provides follow-up.
Services provided through group counselling
1. Job search techniques training to promote occupational rehabilitation
By learning job search skills, we prepare people with a disability to find a job independently, by learning the theory and practice of job search techniques for finding and keeping a job.
2. Development preparation for training
Identification of barriers to training, development of individual competences and key skills in order to increase the client's chances of being enrolled in a training programme.
3. Re-orientation sessions to promote occupational rehabilitation
Motivational group sessions, group sessions to develop key skills and key competences for the workforce, integration and independent living training.
Our occupational rehabilitation services for employers who want to employ clients with a disability
1. Rehabilitation employment counselling
The service includes a rehabilitation job search to stimulate labour market demand through the provision of labour market information to employers, employment counselling for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, atypical employment counselling, job search, and strengthening employer relations.
2. Sensitisation for occupational rehabilitation
We prepare employers to welcome and integrate workers with disabilities, and to facilitate their successful employment, using the following methods: organisational assessment, sensitivity training, job analysis, information provision, technical advice to support the creation of a workplace environment that ensures equal access.
3. Job placement for occupational rehabilitation
It brings people with a disability who are looking for work together with employers who offer them a job, in order to establish an employment relationship. Job mediation can take the form of individual or group mediation.